Georgia's Online Cancer Information Center

Breast & Ovarian Cancer Screening Tool Score Interpretation

This score interpretation is for the breast and ovarian cancer genetics referral screening tool provided by Georgia CORE. Our tool utlizes the questions and algorithms provided by the Ontario Family History Assessment Tool.


Person has a higher risk of carrying a mutation in BRCA1 or BRCA2, which are associated with substantially increased risks for breast cancer and ovarian cancer. Referral for cancer genetic counseling is indicated.

Note: Individuals who screen positive on this screening may not be found to be appropriate candidates for BRCA1/2 testing when a comprehensive cancer risk assessment is performed.


Person is unlikely to carry a BRCA1/2 mutation. Based on family history, person's risks for breast/ovarian cancer expected to be average.

Note: For situations in which persons do not have a family history suggestive of hereditary cancer, but clinical considerations suggest additional education would be beneficial, risk assessment and/or enhanced screening or prevention strategies may be appropriate for some of these individuals.


  • This screening tool does not assess non-familial risk factors for breast or ovarian cancer.
  • Changes in family history could result in a change in the risk score. This screening should be re-run if additional cases of breast and/or ovarian cancer occur.
  • In families with few females, single cases of ovarian cancer or early breast cancer may be related to a BRCA1/2 mutation.
  • There are other, less common hereditary causes of breast and ovarian cancer. A cancer genetics consultation should be pursued if:
    • There are multiple individuals with cancer in multiple generations
    • Cancers are of an usually early age of onset
    • Rare or unusual cancers or tumors have occurred (examples: cancer of adrenal glands, medullary thyroid cancer, hamartomatous polyps, paragangliomas)

Additional guidelines concerning multi gene panel testing and management

National Comprehensive Cancer Network: Genetic/Familial High Risk Assessment: Breast, Ovarian and Pancreatic

National Comprehensive Cancer Network: Genetic/Familial High Risk Assessment: Colorectal

Last Updated: 2/12/2025 2:04:11 PM

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