Georgia's Online Cancer Information Center

Publications, Presentations & Reports

Brown, Shantoria J., Carthon, Bradley C., Durham, Lynn M., Garrot, L. Crain, Ghamande, Sharad A., Gordon Ann Gabram-Mendola, Sheryl, Hoin, Jon A., Pippas, Andrew W., Rivers, Brian M., Snyder, Cindy T. (08 March 2024). Addressing disparities in cancer clinical trials: a roadmap to more equitable accrual. Addressing disparities in cancer clinical trials: a roadmap to more equitable accrual. Frontiers, Volume 4 - 2024.

Binkley, J.M., Gabram, S.M., Finley J., Fowler, D, VanHoose, L., McCullough, L. (Published online 11 April 2023). Racial disparity in breast cancer survivorship: themes from a series of four national healthcare provider live virtual forumsJournal of Cancer Survivorship.

Gabram-Mendola, S., Hoin, J., Wallace, R. (2023). Addressing Disparities in Cancer Clinical Trials, 2022 Summit: A Recap and a Roadmap to More Equitable Accrual.

Dixon, J., Gabram-Mendola, S., Okoli, J., White, B., Yang, S., Yuan, L. (2021). Use of a portable infrared 3D scanning device measuring limb volume in a safety net hospital breast clinic. The Breast Journal, 14221.

Christensen, D. C. Cantril, C., Agarawal, S., Allen, S., Baldwin, D., Blackley, K., Bryant, M., Burbage, D., Cavone, S., Chino, F., Haylock, P., Jensen, J., Kagan, S., Kerber, A., Klein, R., Lubejko, B., Mark, S., McAuliffe, J., McMullen, L., Meldrum, H., Meyer, S., Morales, J., Obermeyer, A., Palanisamy, A., Patierno, S., Russell, K., Schneider, S.,  Sellers, J., Shah, K., Soulier, E.,  Stern, C., Walsh, C., Wujcik, D., Zafar, Y., Zebrack, B. (2020). Oncology Nurse Navigation: Delivering Patient-Centered Care Across the Continuum (Second Edition).

Georgia CORE with financial support from Aflac, Georgia Department of Public Health, Georgia Health Foundation, Georgia Research Alliance, Georgia Society of Clinical Oncology, Healthcare Georgia Foundation (2019). Leveraging the Tobacco Settlement Agreement to Fight Cancer in Georgia: Five Actions to Save More Lives.

Georgia CORE with financial support from Aflac, Georgia Department of Public Health, Georgia Health Foundation, Georgia Research Alliance, Georgia Society of Clinical Oncology, Healthcare Georgia Foundation (2018). Tobacco’s Master Settlement Agreement: How Funds Are Allocated in Georgia.

Valverde, P., Burhansstipanov, L., Patierno, S., Gentry S., Dwyer, A., Wysocki, K., Patterson, A., Krebs, L., Sellers, J., Johnston, D. (2019). Findings from the National Navigation Roundtable: A call for competency-based patient navigation training. Cancer, 32470.

Escoffery, C., Patterson, A., Paris, N., Kirsch, L., Frank, C. and O'Connor, J. (2019). Assessment of distress, unmet needs, and receipt of care plans among cancer survivors in Georgia, 6 (2).

McDonagh, K. and Paris, N. (2019). Effective population health strategies require leadership diversity. Modern Healthcare, 6 (20). 

Ghamande, S., Cantuaria, G., Jillella, A., Kota, V., Green, A., Richards, W., Burke, J., Zaren, H., Taylor, M., Reddy, S., Dillmon, M., Pippas, A., Schnell, F., Srinivasiah, J., McDonough, C., Short, J., Whitaker, G., Belgrave, A. and Paris, N. (2018). A collaborative pilot model among Georgia oncologists to strengthen clinical trial enrollment and promote equity of care for minorities. Journal of Clinical Oncology, 36 (15).

Lemak, C., Paris, N. and McDonagh, K. (2017). Essential Values for Population Health Improvement. Population Population Health Management, 20(4).

Kerber, A. and Ledbetter, N. (2017). Scope and Standards: Defining the Advanced Practice Role in Genetics. Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing, 21(3).

Patterson, A., Escoffery, C., Hotz, J., Paris, N., Meyer, D., Giblin, J., Michaud, K., Kirsch, L., Wilson, B., Fournier, J., Helmer, C., Comer, C., Kines, J., Heddon, M., Sidman, T., Moon, T. and Cannady, R. (2016). Provider-survivor communication: Identifying and addressing unmet needs. Journal of Clinical Oncology, 34(3).

Bellcross, C. (2016). Hereditary breast and ovarian cancer: risk assessment in minority women and provider knowledge gaps. The Journal of Community and Supportive Oncology, 14(6).

Kirsch, L., Patterson, A. and Lipscomb, J. (2014). The state of cancer survivorship programming in Commission on Cancer-accredited hospitals in Georgia. Journal of Cancer Survivorship, 9(1).

Paris, N., Gabram-Mendola, S., Kerber, A., O'Connor, J., Crane, B., Martin, M., Traxler, L., Matthews, R., Parker, C., Webster, R., Schmitt, E., Meaney-Delman, D., Nair, N., Green, V. and Brannon Traxler, L., Martin, M., Kerber, A., Bellcross, C., Crane, B., Green, V., Matthews, R., Paris, N. and Gabram, S. (2014). Implementing a Screening Tool for Identifying Patients at Risk for Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer: A Statewide Initiative. Annals of Surgical Oncology, 21(10).

Paris, N., Burke, J. and Schnell, F. (2013). Shared Vision, Collective Impact, and Persistent Challenges: The First Decade of Georgia's Oncology Research Network. Journal of Oncology Practice, 9(6).  

Zelnak, A., Styblo, T., Rizzo, M., Gabram, S., Wood, W., Harichand-Herdt, S., Kim, S., Liu, Y. and O'Regan, R. (2013). Final Results from Phase II Trial of Neoadjuvant Docetaxel and Capecitabine Given Sequentially or Concurrently for HER2-Negative Breast Cancers. Clinical Breast Cancer, 13(3).

Pratt-Chapman, M., Simon, M., Patterson, A., Risendal, B. and Patierno, S. (2011). Survivorship navigation outcome measures. Cancer, 117(15).

Mealor, R., Canterbury, K., Paris, N., Irby, S. and Johnson, N. (2008). Georgia on My Mind. Oncology Issues, 23(3).

Last Updated: 3/12/2024 10:48:15 AM


Surgeon General Calls for Cancer Warnings on Alcohol

Dr. Vivek Murthy's report cites studies linking alcoholic beverages to at least seven malignancies, including breast cancer. But to add warning labels, Congress would have to act.


The Mystery of What’s Causing Young People’s Cancer Leads to the Gut

Researchers have uncovered links between cancer and diets high in processed meat and liquor, and few fruits and vegetables.


GCRCCP honored by ACS National Colorectal Cancer Roundtable

The Georgia Colorectal Cancer Control Program won the 2025 American Cancer Society's NCCRT National Achievement Award.


Georgia CORE introduces a resource guide for barriers to cancer clinical trials

We invite you to download and share it, and let us know if there is anything we should add to it.
