Georgia's Online Cancer Information Center

Georgia's Breast Cancer License Plate


PURPOSE: Generate funds to educate, screen, and treat Georgians in need.

NEED: Breast cancer accounts for 3 out of 10 new cancers in Georgia women, making it the most prevalent of all cancers. Women living in rural and under-resourced areas have less access to care and are a priority of the program.

BACKGROUND: Georgia CORE and Kaiser Permanente worked with the Georgia General Assembly to create the Breast Cancer License Tag program in 2002. Georgia CORE and the State Office of Rural Health have jointly administered the program since 2013.

PROCEEDS: The program receives 28% of revenues from initial purchases of the plates and 40% of annual renewal revenues.


REACH: Georgians in 3 out of every 4 counties have benefited in some way through screening, education and treatment services.















2024 Breast Cancer License Plate Grant Partners

Center for Black Women's Wellness (Atlanta) 

Community Health Works (Macon) 

East Georgia Cancer Coalition (Athens) 

Horizons Community Solutions (Albany) 

The Grady Health Foundation, Inc. (Atlanta) 

TurningPoint Breast Cancer Rehabilitation (Atlanta) 

West Central Georgia Cancer Coalition (Columbus) 

YWCA (Atlanta) 

Purchase a Georgia Breast Cancer License Plate

  • Visit your local tag office ANYTIME and ask for either the "Breast Cancer" license plate. (In some counties, you can order the plate online when your annual tag renewal is due.) Find your county tag office here >
  • The plate costs $80 the first time you buy it and $55 when you renew it.
  • At the tag office, they may have the plate in stock; or they’ll give you a temporary plate and mail you your "fight cancer" license plate very soon.

Click Here to Visit the Department of Revenue's License Plate Site

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Last Updated: 2/12/2025 1:57:17 PM

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 Screening & Genetics

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Georgia CORE introduces a resource guide for barriers to cancer clinical trials

We invite you to download and share it, and let us know if there is anything we should add to it.
