Georgia's Online Cancer Information Center

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Navigation Resources



Patient Resources

Matt Mumber, MD Visionary Awards

Each year at its annual meeting, the Cancer Patient Navigators of Georgia presents the award for Excellence in Patient Navigation to a Georgia resident, program or organization that has demonstrated an appreciation of the essential role of cancer patient navigators. This award includes a $2,000 grant co-sponsored by GASCO and Georgia CORE. 


2019 Matt Mumber Visionary Award

Lynn Rabun is the recipient of the 2019 Matt Mumber Visionary Award. An Oncology Navigator at Redmond Regional Medical Center, Lynn helped develop and implement the first dedicated nurse navigation program for breast and GI patients at Redmond. Lynn's nominator described Lynn with the following words: "Lynn leads with her heart. She walks the cancer journey with patients as if she is walking it with someone she dearly loves. It is not just a job to her. Lynn demonstrates the holistic, compassionate care that the ‘Father of Navigation’,' Dr. Harold Freeman, envisioned years ago and Dr. Matt Mumber continues today."




Past Matt Mumber Award Winners

  • 2018 The Navigation Team at the Nancy N. and J.C. Lewis Cancer & Research Pavilion in Savannah
  • 2017 Wanda Lowe, Wellstar West Georgia
  • 2016 Wendy Bailey, Cartersville Medical 
  • 2015 Promotores de Salud Program 
  • 2013 Cancer Navigators, Inc.
  • 2014 Rhonda Green, Cancer Coalition of South Georgia, now Horizons Community Solutions 
  • 2012 Lisa Bridges, Northeast Georgia Medical Center

Last Updated: 11/01/2021 3:15:31 PM


GCRCCP honored by ACS National Colorectal Cancer Roundtable

The Georgia Colorectal Cancer Control Program won the 2025 American Cancer Society's NCCRT National Achievement Award.


Georgia CORE introduces a resource guide for barriers to cancer clinical trials

We invite you to download and share it, and let us know if there is anything we should add to it.
