Georgia's Online Cancer Information Center

Fear of Cancer Coming Back

Fear of recurrence is the overwhelming feeling that cancer will come back to a survivor after treatment. This is also referred to as Damocles' Syndrome. According to the Greek legend, Damocles, a courtier to the tyrant Dionysius, the Elder of Syracuse, extravagantly praised his sovereign, who invited him to a sumptuous feast. However, during the entertainment, Damocles looked up and saw that Dionysius had seated him directly beneath a sword that was suspended from the ceiling by a thread. For Damocles, this sword was a symbol of the precariousness of life and how one’s fortune could shift from being in favor at court to falling out of favor, causing the sword to fall down one’s head.

For people who have had cancer, that sword represents the frailty and precarious nature of life itself. They continue to believe that the threat of recurring cancer and consequently, the threat of death, is always looming over them. Continuous and excessive fear can result in anxiety, worry, difficulty concentrating, physical ailments as well as withdrawal from others.

There are many ways that survivors can address their fear of cancer recurrence:

  • Recognize your emotions and fears
  • Join a support group 
  • Express your concern to your oncology team
  • Reduce Stress
  • Create a coping mechanism
  • Maintain appointments and follow-up care
  • Make healthy choices a consistent part of your lifestyle

Last Updated: 10/29/2020 12:08:07 PM

Additional Resources

For Survivors


GCRCCP honored by ACS National Colorectal Cancer Roundtable

The Georgia Colorectal Cancer Control Program won the 2025 American Cancer Society's NCCRT National Achievement Award.


Georgia CORE introduces a resource guide for barriers to cancer clinical trials

We invite you to download and share it, and let us know if there is anything we should add to it.
