Georgia's Online Cancer Information Center

Nicole: My Relationship with God Helped Me, I Let Him Decide What Would Happen

Nicole lives in Villa Rica and is a Flight Attendant for Expressjet dba United Airlines. She was diagnosed with Ovarian cancer in 2015 on Thanksgiving. Her father passed away at 55 from Pancreatic cancer.

Nicole's Story...
What an impact, it happened so fast when I was boarding my passengers on a flight. I was working and I felt a strange pain in my stomach, I continued to stand there and welcome my passengers with excruciating pain - I decided to return home to Atlanta. I immediately went to my bed and tried to rest it off. I was in no hurry to return to any hospital, the consensus by most doctors is you're fine, it’s just in your head (the pain). That’s been repeated to me for over 10 years even after my endometriosis diagnosis. So I lay in bed with the worst pain I’ve ever experienced. It wasn’t until I needed to use the restroom that I knew something was not right. I physically could not walk, I crawled and pulled myself with my arms. I was blessed that my cousin lived nearby, I told her to take me to urgent care, it was closest. As I reflect back, that was because I could only afford my $20.00 copay vs $100.00 emergency visit. I wobbled into the urgent care and immediately laid on the office floor. The doctor took my vitals my blood pressure was so low that she immediately said, "Nicole I’ve taken your blood pressure, it’s so low you're not getting oxygen, I have to call the ambulance to take you to ER". When I arrived at the hospital they immediately took scans, I was told by the ER doctor I had a belly full of blood and that my surgery would be exploratory. A few days later I met up with the doctor who did the surgery and he stated that the biopsy came back from the items that were free-floating in my abdomen as Granulosis cell tumor you have Cancer.

My family was in shock I believe because I remained strong they followed my lead. I encountered obstacles because I wanted the best care as a healthcare consumer. I decided I would travel all over to find a doctor with bedside manners. What helped me was my relationship with God I let him decide what would happen. What services were most important in recovery was naturopathic and Lymph node massages, acupuncture, Riki. What I would say to someone who is diagnosed today, you have power over this diagnosis demand your body to heal itself and believe it’s healed.

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GCRCCP honored by ACS National Colorectal Cancer Roundtable

The Georgia Colorectal Cancer Control Program won the 2025 American Cancer Society's NCCRT National Achievement Award.


Georgia CORE introduces a resource guide for barriers to cancer clinical trials

We invite you to download and share it, and let us know if there is anything we should add to it.
