Georgia's Online Cancer Information Center

Jacqueline Davis: I pushed through my pain to get to my purpose

Two weeks after returning from a cruise in June 2017, I was diagnosed with stage 2 Triple Negative Breast Cancer. I made a middle-of-the-night trip to the bathroom and noticed my right breast began to itch. I felt a knot and suddenly I knew there was no more sleep for me that night. The next morning at work I discussed my experience with my supervisor, and she immediately called the doctor and was able to get an appointment for me the same day. After taking several tests, it was time for me to meet with the doctor for my results. My daughter and I sat looking at him as he flipped through the folder, then looked at me and said what I was not prepared to hear: You have breast cancer. My daughter ran out of the room. Tears filled my eyes, and my body went into shock. That awful word continued to ring in my ear, CANCER.

It changed my life completely. Suddenly I felt as though I was stuck in a giant bubble all by myself. As my treatments began, I was told what to expect, and that alone was terrifying. Whe the chemo began to enter my body for the first time, uncontrollable tears began to flow. I'm going to die, I thought to myself. Until I remembered the scripture, "I shall live and not die." Suddenly I knew there was a purpose for why God chose me to have this disease. At that point, my body and my spirit went to war. I had to FIGHT with the promises of GOD. He blessed me with tons of support from my job, family and friends. I was overwhelmed with just how many people supported me. I was not going to let them down.

I fought and made it through chemo and radiation. Then came time for surgery. It was very successful. I knew then that I was a SURVIVOR! I survived so that someone could WIN. After recovering on sick leave for about a year, I was released to go back to work. I knew that I made it to help others so they can push through and survive. I began to make gift baskets and encourage others in treatment -- to let them know that someone cares.

I pushed through my pain to get to my purpose. I knew then that I was here to encourage others to have FAITH in God and keep pushing.

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GCRCCP honored by ACS National Colorectal Cancer Roundtable

The Georgia Colorectal Cancer Control Program won the 2025 American Cancer Society's NCCRT National Achievement Award.


Georgia CORE introduces a resource guide for barriers to cancer clinical trials

We invite you to download and share it, and let us know if there is anything we should add to it.
