Georgia's Online Cancer Information Center

Bonnie Ross-Parker: Sharing Through Speaking & Writing Is a Great Source of Strength

Bonnie Ross-Parker

On August 7, 2014, I reported for my annual physical. Expecting a routine visit and the same 'all is well' answer, it would never have occurred to me that the result after a thorough breast exam would be concern. Doctors and tests later, I was informed that, in fact, I had stage 1 breast cancer, likely requiring a lumpectomy.

From the onset I was consumed by emotion. The uncertainty over how I would handle this journey became real. The horror stories I had heard over the years of nausea, fatigue and digestive problems filled me with anxiety. Will the side effects (surgery/chemo/radiation) affect me? Will I be fighting against forces over which I had no control? Will I rise above a temporary roadblock by focusing on the journey's end? Obviously, these questions would only be answered over time.

I am a professional speaker and author. Over the years, I have found that sharing through both speaking and writing has been my greatest source of strength and fulfillment. After the initial shock of what I was about to endure and wanting to focus on “what” instead of “why,” I decided to journal my entire experience. Every day, I wrote about my feelings, what was happening, and how I was managing the steps I was taking.

What eventually became an e-book empowered me to look toward the finish line, to focus on how my journey could help others through my support and to remind myself that I was not alone. My journey is not unique. My fear is not unfounded. There is not doubt that while one's breast cancer is a solo experience, it has created a movement I've identified as the 'Sisterhood of The Pink Ribbon.’

My hope is that every woman gets the support she requires to heal, restore and have faith that she will be okay. I also trust whoever reads my story will feel my heart and believe that life is more precious than ever when treatment ends.  You can read Bonnie's story here:


Bonnie Ross-Parker is a multi-dimensional businesswomen/entrepreneur with a background in education, franchise development, publishing, mentorship, network marketing, and community development. She  founded Xperience Connections, dedicated to entrepreneurial women, to ensure comfortable yet effective opportunities to foster business growth, referrals and friendships.You can reach her at

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