Georgia's Online Cancer Information Center

Beverly Baldwin: If I Can Save Another Daughter’s Father, Then My Work Is Not In Vain!

Beverly Baldwin

November Eve of 2011, I was up late working on a twenty-page report for my master’s degree. My mom ran into my room in a panic, asking me to help her get my dad downstairs and into the car to go to the emergency room at the hospital. I ran into my parents’ room, unknowing what I was about to see. Stretched out across the bed was my dad shivering, drenched in water, and unresponsive. I told my mom to call 9-1-1. I continued to call out to my dad, hoping that he’d respond all while wiping the water off his forehead. The ambulance arrived shortly thereafter and rushed my dad to the hospital.
In the emergency room, after careful examinations doctors, state that, “Mr. Baldwin your prostate cancer has spread to stage 4”.

In complete denial and disbelief, I couldn’t unhear what my ears had heard. Cancer was not an unfamiliar term to me. I had lost all of my grandparents to some type of cancer; lung, breast, and colon. Now my hero, my dad, had been diagnosed with prostate cancer. Even at the age of 28, as a daddy’s girl, I vowed to remain by my dad’s side each and every step of this journey. We were in for a long journey. A journey full of hospital visits into ICU, horrible doctor’s prognosis, crying, and praying, every emotion thought imaginable. It was extremely hard, working full time and completing my master’s degree full time while being a caregiver to my dad. A journey that made me question GOD. I became a caretaker and advocate for prostate cancer. Being a caregiver allowed me to view the world through a different lens. I was able to be more vulnerable to situations and people because I truly understood what they were going through as a caregiver. Unfortunately, my dad lost his fight to prostate cancer on July 15th of 2012, one day after celebrating his 33rd wedding anniversary to my mom, who was constantly by his side.

I always considered myself a lifelong learner, so I began to research to gain more insight on prostate cancer. Where does it come from? Who is likely to get it? What are possible prognosis when diagnosed early? Cancer became a driving force for me to advocate for cancer patients and their families all over the world. In 2018, I published a book titled, Memories of a Daughter’s Last Cry. This book is a true testimony paying homage to my dad. It walks you on a journey of a family bond that can’t be broken, even after death. My book is available on Amazon. Click the link below to order your copy!

My thoughts to live by: GOD gives his toughest battles to his strongest soldiers! If I can save another’s daughter’s father, then my work is not is vain!


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We invite you to download and share it, and let us know if there is anything we should add to it.
