Georgia CORE's Accomplishments in 2021
Addressed disparities in cancer prevention with racial and ethnic minorities receiving 59% of the genetic screening, testing, and counseling services.
Increased the number of minority patients receiving cutting edge treatments through our partnership with Georgia NCORP, which enrolled 305 patients in clinical trials, 28% of whom were minorities.
Led the Georgia Colorectal Cancer Control Program, which started the implementation process offering colorectal screening, education, navigation, and colonoscopies to clients in four clinics in Southwest Georgia and three clinics in Southeast Georgia and secured an increase in annual funding from the CDC from nearly $800,000 to $934,000.
Administered awards from the Breast Cancer License Tag Fund to six partner organizations across the state totaling $150,000 for breast cancer screening, navigation, outreach, education, and treatment to 1,850 under-resourced and uninsured women.
More than doubled individual, corporate, and foundation donations from 2020, and hired a professional development firm that helped structure our philanthropy efforts and provided a development and communications plan to increase giving.
Developed a research partnership with the Natera Bespoke study for colorectal cancer patients at seven sites throughout the state.
Created a research seed grant for $100,000 from the Georgia Cancer Research Fund (tax filers’ donations) to be
awarded in 2022 to a team of two or more collaborating Georgia institutions for innovative cancer research.
Won legislative approval of two specialty license plates (a redesigned breast cancer and a new “all” cancer plate), the sales of which will generate more funds for education, screening, and treatment to under-resourced and underinsured Georgians; conducted advertising and promotion campaign to introduce the new plates and encourage sales.
Strengthened partnerships with the Georgia Cancer Control Consortium, Regional Cancer Coalitions, other cancer nonprofits, and statewide business and healthcare organizations to advocate for more Tobacco Settlement Funds to be allocated for cancer-related activities.
Created the Georg
ia Cancer Control Advocacy Network of volunteers who will work collectively to educate elected officials and advocate for state and federal government support of cancer care, policies, and programs.
Restructured survivorship efforts to maximize effectiveness and complement other efforts in the state with the creation of a new Board committee focused on survivorship, navigation, and caregiving, and by charging a new staff member with re-energizing the Cancer Patient Navigators of Georgia.
Continued to update and maintain the only statewide online cancer information center,, with more than 534,000 pageviews and more than 103,000 new visitors.
Last Updated: 1/31/2022 1:16:16 PM