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Castle NH-CBI_2019_SLNBprosp_001:DecisionDx-Melanoma Impact on Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy Decisions and Clinical Outcomes (DECIDE)

Cancer Type
Trial Phase
, Male and Female
Study Type
Protocol IDs
CBI_2019_SLNBprosp_001 (primary)
Study Sponsor
Castle Biosciences Inc.
NCI Full Details


Castle Biosciences Inc. recently developed and independently validated an artificial intelligence-based neural network algorithm to predict SLN positivity risk in patients with T1-T4 CM by integrating the continuous 31-GEP score with clinicopathologic features (i31-GEP)[32]. An objective, individualized approach to SLNB decision-making could reduce unnecessary procedures and associated risks in patients with a low likelihood of having a positive SLNB. Similarly, this approach could identify previously unidentified or subjectively excluded patients with a higher likelihood (>10% risk) of SLN positivity and may benefit most from, a SLNB. In addition, it is important to evaluate the impact of the 31-GEP test on recommendations for SLNB by clinicians, and study long-term outcomes of patients in which the GEP test results were used to inform the procedure in a prospective study.


Primary Aim 1. Determine the association of GEP test result with SLNB surgical decisions in patients with SLNB-eligible T1-T2 melanoma

Primary Aim 2: Track and evaluate 5-year clinical outcomes for patients in each GEP subclass and/or i31-GEP risk group, including those who did and did not undergo SLNB and those with T3-T4 melanoma.


Inclusion criteria: 
Patients must meet all of the inclusion criteria with no exclusions seen : 
1. Patient newly diagnosed (within two months of primary biopsy) with invasive cutaneous melanoma 
2. Patient being tested with the DecisionDx-Melanoma 31-GEP test as part of their clinical care 
3. Patient whose DecisionDx-Melanoma result is being used to inform the use of sentinel lymph node biopsy (i.e.: whether or not to perform) 

4. Patient is at least 18 years of age at the time of GEP testing 

5. Patient is being considered for sentinel lymph node biopsy 

6. Patient has not had a sentinel lymph node biopsy for this melanoma, and has not previously had a sentinel lymph node biopsy in the same nodal basin for any reason 

7. Patient is reasonably able to follow up with the enrolling physician at regular intervals for assessment of outcome data 

Exclusion criteria: 
1. Employees and family members of Investigator 
2. Inability to obtain informed consent 
3. Patients with known Stage III or IV melanoma at diagnosis 
4. Patients with an invasive melanoma diagnosed in the same anatomical region in the last 5 years; anatomical regions are defined as: a) head and neck, b) legs and feet, c) trunk, d) chest, e) arms and hands 

5. Patient who is only being tested with DecisionDx-Melanoma 31-GEP test for reasons other than to inform the use of SLNB 

6. Patient who at the time of consent has had a sentinel lymph node biopsy for the tumor under study or a sentinel lymph node biopsy performed in the same nodal basin for any reason 

Note: Patients who do not receive a successful DecisionDx-Melanoma test result (insufficient tissue or technical failure) will be withdrawn from study and will not be followed for long term outcomes.


Treatment Sites in Georgia

Atrium Health Navicent

Oncology Research, Atrium Health Navicent
777 Hemlock Street, MSC 123
(PACC 800 1st St, Ste 250)
Macon, GA 31201


Paul S Dale MD
**Clinical trials are research studies that involve people. These studies test new ways to prevent, detect, diagnose, or treat diseases. People who take part in cancer clinical trials have an opportunity to contribute to scientists’ knowledge about cancer and to help in the development of improved cancer treatments. They also receive state-of-the-art care from cancer experts... Click here to learn more about clinical trials.