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Augusta University NH-BRAG-ONC: The Medical Center, Navicent Health Tumor Tissue and Serum Repository

Cancer Type
Trial Phase
, Male and Female
Study Type
Tissue collection/Repository
Protocol IDs
NH-BRAG-ONC (primary)
Study Sponsor
Bio Repository Alliance of Georgia


Description of the AU Biorepository 
a) Scope 
The initial step in establishing the BRAG-Onc repository is to establish a tissue bank at AU, and the application submitted for IRB review at this time is for the GRU Tumor Bank only. 
The GRU repository will be expanded to a statewide network for tissue collection (BRAG-Onc), with GRU as the primary repository, to be reviewed at a future date. Every effort will be made to use the GRU Tumor Bank as a model and establish uniform processes for acquisition, data management and consenting, throughout the network. 
b) The rationale is based on the needs of the research community for a 
biorepository at AU. Current approaches to medical research and development of molecular diagnostics require access to large numbers of high-quality tissue samples and this trend is expected to continue in the future. In order to meet the needs of the research community, the specimens must be collected and preserved in an appropriate manner to conserve the integrity of macromolecules, have to be well annotated with comprehensive clinical and demographic information without access to personal identifiers, and have to be properly consented for broad research use. Archived specimens obtained in the past rarely meet all of these requirements and it is therefore necessary to establish a modern biorepository at AU that will meet current and future needs. 
c) Incorporation of Current Best Practices in the GRU Biorespository: 
Plans for the GRU Biorepository incorporate the recommendations for best practices, obtained by reviewing existing tumor banks and tissue repositories The GRU Tumor Bank will incorporate the following state of the art features:

•    Standardized protocol for tissue procurement, handling and storage with quality assurance provided by pathologists (described in Section II) 
• Appropriate consent for research use (Attachment A) 
•    Compliance with HIPAA, federal and institutional guidelines for the protection of human subjects. 

Specifically, the following safeguards will be incorporated: 
a) safeguards to ensure that diagnosis is never compromised 
b) maintaining confidentiality and anonymity of specimen donors, for example: 

- no direct access to medical records by researchers 
- honest broker system: limited access by researchers to filtered information (de-indentified/anonimized) 
- sophisticated informatics for specimen tracking and data management 


The goal of the BRAG-Onc Program is to provide a state-wide mechanism for the banking of tumor tissue and matched serum samples from a population that reflects the ethnic and cultural diversity of the state in order to support basic and clinical research. This resource should fuel the process of discovery for the development of effective therapies and preventive measures to decrease the burden of, and ultimately eradicate malignant diseases for all citizens of Georgia.


1.    cancer diagnosis
2.    over 18 years of age
3.    referral by surgeon or pre-op for biopsy or other tissue procurement

Treatment Sites in Georgia

Atrium Health Navicent

Oncology Research, Atrium Health Navicent
777 Hemlock Street, MSC 123
(PACC 800 1st St, Ste 250)
Macon, GA 31201


Oscar Battles M.D.
**Clinical trials are research studies that involve people. These studies test new ways to prevent, detect, diagnose, or treat diseases. People who take part in cancer clinical trials have an opportunity to contribute to scientists’ knowledge about cancer and to help in the development of improved cancer treatments. They also receive state-of-the-art care from cancer experts... Click here to learn more about clinical trials.