Georgia's Online Cancer Information Center

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MammaPrint, BluePrint, and Full-genome Data Linked With Clinical Data to Evaluate New Gene EXpression Profiles

Cancer Type
Breast Cancer
Unknown Primary
Trial Phase
18 Years and older, Male and Female
Study Type
Protocol IDs
FLEX Registry (primary)
Study Sponsor


The FLEX Registry will be implemented to operate as a large-scale, population based,
prospective registry. All patients with stage I to III breast cancer who receive
MammaPrint® and BluePrint testing on a primary breast tumor are eligible for entry into
the FLEX Registry, which is intended to enable additional study arms at low incremental
effort and cost. FLEX Registry will utilize an adaptive design, where additional targeted
substudies and arms can be added after the initial study is opened.


The FLEX Registry will include all patients with stage I-III breast cancer who have
received MammaPrint and BluePrint testing in any clinical setting. Study arm appendices
will specify treatment arm, inclusion criteria, and number of patients needed.
Approximately 30,000 patients from 125+ US based institutions will be enrolled.

Treatment is at the discretion of the physician adhering to NCCN approved regimens of a
recognized alternative.

Clinical data will be collected and entered online at the time points listed: patient
enrollment, time of treatment, 1 year post-treatment, and 3, 5, and 10 years post


- Create a large scale, population-based registry of full genome expression data and
clinical data to investigate new gene associations with prognostic and/or predictive

- Utilize shared registry infrastructure to examine smaller groups of interest

- Generate hypotheses for targeted subset analyses and trials based on full genome

FLEX is an observational (phase IV) study.


  1. Stage I, II, or III patients who receive MammaPrint, with or without BluePrint testing (male or female)
  2. Informed consent form signed on the same day or before enrollment
  3. New primary lesion
**Clinical trials are research studies that involve people. These studies test new ways to prevent, detect, diagnose, or treat diseases. People who take part in cancer clinical trials have an opportunity to contribute to scientists’ knowledge about cancer and to help in the development of improved cancer treatments. They also receive state-of-the-art care from cancer experts... Click here to learn more about clinical trials.