Georgia's Online Cancer Information Center

Release of Application for 5th Annual Matt, Mumber, MD, Visionary Award for Excellence in Patient Navigation


The Matt Mumber Visionary Award and its associated grant of $2000 is presented yearly by the Cancer Patient Navigators of Georgia to a Georgia resident, program or organization that has demonstrated an appreciation of  the essential role of patient navigators, Community Health Workers and/or promotoras in effective and compassionate cancer prevention and treatment.  

The Matt Mumber Visionary Award recognizes that person or program that shares the Cancer Patient Navigators of Georgia vision to make Georgia a state in which access to patient navigation is available to all Georgians with the goal of improving the quality of care and quality of life for all patients and their families throughout the entire continuum of cancer care.   

The Matt Mumber Visionary Award is presented to that person or program that embraces the CPNG values or guiding principles of inclusiveness, collaboration, compassion, and a holistic approach to achieving optimal patient outcomes.

The Matt Mumber Visionary Award recipient has created unique collaborations within the cancer care community to further the mission of CPNG to connect, educate and share best practices among patient navigators in Georgia, so that together we can successfully reduce barriers and increase access to services specifically related to cancer.

The winner of this Visionary Award will be a person or program that:

  1. Has not won the award in the last two years;
  2. Emulates Dr. Mumber's passion for patient-oriented care;
  3. Shows courage and innovation in advancing the workforce of patient navigation/CHWs; and
  4. Demonstrates an ability to bridge traditional medicine with innovations (including alternative/complementary medicine) to improve patient outcomes.

*Winners of the Matt Mumber Visionary Award are eligible only once every three years.


Please fill out the attached application below and return it to:

Cancer Patient Navigators of Georgia
3330 Cumberland Blvd, Suite 200
Atlanta, GA 30339
fax: (770) 951-8427


Deadline: Monday, August 8, 2016.

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We invite you to download and share it, and let us know if there is anything we should add to it.


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