New on NCI Websites for March 2017
3/14/2017, NCI Staff
A new study suggests that blood platelets engineered to deliver an immunotherapy drug may effectively eliminate cancer cells missed by surgery and prevent them from forming new tumors.
Using human heart cells generated from adult stem cells, researchers have developed an index that may be used to determine how toxic a group of cancer drugs, called tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs), are to human cells.
NCI Drug Formulary
In January, NCI launched a new resource to help investigators at NCI-Designated Cancer Centers get quicker access to approved and investigational agents for use in preclinical studies and cancer clinical trials. The NCI Formulary could ultimately translate into speeding the availability of more-effective treatment options to patients with cancer.
Aspirin to Reduce Cancer Risk
Millions of adults take aspirin to reduce their risk of heart attack or stroke, but studies over the last two decades have suggested that regular aspirin use may also decrease the risk of developing or dying from some types of cancer. In this revised research update, learn how researchers are exploring aspirin’s ability to prevent certain cancers.
New Tobacco Control Monograph Released
The World Health Organization and NCI recently released The Economics of Tobacco and Tobacco Control, the latest in a series of monographs on tobacco use and tobacco control. The new report examines current research surrounding the economics of tobacco control in many countries around the world. In this interview, Mark Parascandola, Ph.D., of NCI’s Tobacco Control Research Branch, talks about the importance of this new monograph.
Resources for International Partners
NCI has compiled a page of online resources and tools for researchers and staff of foreign governments, nongovernmental organizations, and U.S. government agencies working to reduce the global burden of cancer. These resources include those for cancer planning and control; communications support; consortiums; and training and education. They also include information about the NCI divisions, offices, and centers that engage in global efforts to reduce cancer; and the goals and activities of the Cancer Moonshot initiative.
Recordings of recent YouTube Live and Facebook Live events featuring NCI scientists and NCI-funded researchers are now available. In NCI’s first-ever YouTube Live event, William Dahut, M.D., of NCI’s Center for Cancer Research, and Heather Cheng, M.D., Ph.D., of the University of Washington, discussed current research efforts, directions for future research, and treatment options for prostate cancer. The Facebook Live event included NCI's Christina Annunziata, M.D., Ph.D., and Sarah Temkin, M.D., from Virginia Commonwealth University discussing cervical cancer treatment and clinical trials.
Revised Fact Sheets Available
The Obesity and Cancer fact sheet includes updated statistics and estimates of cancers caused by being overweight or obese, new information about research on the topic, and a new section about the effects of obesity on cancer survivorship.
The Physical Activity and Cancer fact sheet now includes information on possible mechanisms for the link between physical activity and lower cancer risk, health risks associated with sedentary behavior, and updated information about research and ongoing clinical trials on this topic.
The Mammograms fact sheet now includes the latest information about factors related to false-positive test results, categories of breast density that require reporting, and two new research studies.
Updated Patient Education Publications
Radiation Therapy and You explains the different types of radiation therapy that are used to treat cancer, covers ways that doctors attempt to protect healthy cells from harm, lists which side effects might result from treatment, and offers tips for managing them.
For people who have a loved one with advanced cancer, it can be difficult to know what to say or how to talk with them. This new information on NCI’s website offers suggestions for keeping the lines of communication open.
NCI has updated its resource on infectious agents, including more information about the infectious agents associated with specific cancer types, such as who is at risk, how the agents spread, how spread can be prevented, symptoms, and treatment.
New Drug Information Summaries Added
Two new summaries have been added to NCI’s collection of drug information summaries.
Rucaparib camsylate (Rubraca™) was recently approved by the Food and Drug Administration to treat advanced ovarian cancer with BRCA1 or BRCA2 gene mutations in patients who have already been treated with chemotherapy.
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