Georgia's Online Cancer Information Center

Georgia CORE to support new trials network

2/07/2024, Georgia CORE

Georgia CORE is a partner in a new cancer clinical trials network that will bring investigational therapies to underserved communities throughout the state.Led by Winship Cancer Institute, the Georgia Blood Cancer Trials Network will conduct trials at many of its locations, as well as multiple locations in rural community-based systems.

The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society is paying for the effort in combination with funding from a NCI R50 grant.

Georgia CORE will bring on a Research Program Coordinator who will connect Winship investigators to sites and support the network in bringing blood cancer clinical trials to more diverse and widespread populations of patients in Atlanta and rural Georgia.

Read more at Emory's site >>

Media, News & Events

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The Georgia Colorectal Cancer Control Program won the 2025 American Cancer Society's NCCRT National Achievement Award.


Georgia CORE introduces a resource guide for barriers to cancer clinical trials

We invite you to download and share it, and let us know if there is anything we should add to it.


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