Georgia's Online Cancer Information Center

GC3 Survivorship Advocacy Council looking for members

Every year cancer impacts the lives of thousands of Georgians. In fact, cancer is the 2nd leading cause of death in our state. Whether coping with a diagnosis, undergoing treatment, providing oncology care, supporting a loved one or searching for a cure, there is support available for organizations and individuals through the Georgia Cancer Control Consortium (GC3).

GC3 is a group of more than 85 organizations and individuals working together since 2006 to improve cancer prevention and treatment in Georgia. GC3 members participate in work groups focused on five areas: prevention and education; early detection and screening; diagnosis, staging and treatment; palliative care; and survivorship. These partners created the first GC3 plan in 2007 and recently revised the plan to guide cancer control efforts from 2019 - 2024.

There are 446,900 cancer survivors living in Georgia today according to the American Cancer Society. Too many survivors experience long-term and late effects of their cancer treatment, which may cause many unmet needs, such as pain, lack of sleep, anxiety, fear of recurrence, financial burdens. The GC3 Survivorship Work Group (SWG) has worked over the past 10 months to identify objectives and strategies to improve the quality of life of cancer survivors by addressing their unmet needs.

As we embark on implementing the survivorship objectives and strategies of the new 5 year plan, we want to establish a GC3 Survivorship Advocacy Council to bring a diverse group of cancer survivor and caregiver voices to ensure our work is relevant to communities and populations across the state.

The aims of this Advocacy Council include: developing educational materials about cancer survivorship that will be disseminated to healthcare professionals and organizations across the state; developing materials that can be shared with legislators to educate them about the resources and support needed for survivors; developing and hosting educational sessions about cancer survivorship.

Potential members of the Survivorship Advocacy Council may serve in a variety of roles. We would only want you to participate in a role that is comfortable and the best fit for you. Some roles include:
- Review and provide feedback on the educational materials
- Assist with the dissemination of the materials
- Participate in educational sessions about cancer survivorship
- Contact legislators to share your story and the importance of supporting survivorship efforts in our state

If you are interested in being a member of the GC3 Survivorship Advocacy Council. Please take a few minutes to tell us a little bit about yourself by completing the survey.

Applications are closed. Please email if you are interested in being a member.

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Media, News & Events

GCRCCP honored by ACS National Colorectal Cancer Roundtable

The Georgia Colorectal Cancer Control Program won the 2025 American Cancer Society's NCCRT National Achievement Award.


Georgia CORE introduces a resource guide for barriers to cancer clinical trials

We invite you to download and share it, and let us know if there is anything we should add to it.


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