Georgia's Online Cancer Information Center

American Cancer Society gives GSU researcher $792,000

2/04/2016, Atlanta Business Chronicle

The Atlanta-based American Cancer Society gave Georgia State Universityresearcher Charlie Garnett Benson a four-year, $792,000 grant to study combination radiation and immunotherapy for cancer.

Benson, assistant professor in GSU’s Department of Biology, will collaborate with Emory University’s Winship Cancer Center on the study, which will look for ways to maximize responses to novel immune-based therapeutic approaches in combination with radiation treatment.The grant will fund Benson’s work to determine how activity of killer T-cells is increased to fight colorectal cancers after radiation, as well as how best to apply radiation therapy to enhance cancer immunotherapy effectiveness.

Data obtained from the studies can be translated into the clinic to design combination treatments.

Benson will work closely with Mohammad Khan, associate professor in the Department of Radiation Oncology at Winship.

To read the orginial article, click here.

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