Georgia's Online Cancer Information Center

Marquita Iddirisu

Marquita Iddirisu, MPH

Clinical Trials Navigator

Marquita Iddirisu, MPH

Marquita Iddirisu

Clinical Trials Navigator

Marquita Iddirisu is Georgia CORE’s first Clinical Trials Navigator. In this capacity, she manages the Georgia CORE Clinical Trials Database and serves as a Clinical Research Coordinator and Patient Navigator on the PROMISE Registry study for genetic testing for prostate cancer patients. Like many of her CORE co-workers, Marquita likes to travel and spend time with her family when she’s away from work.

Previously, Marquita worked in a variety of settings, including government, non-profit organizations, and academia. Most recently, she was the Comprehensive Cancer Program Director for the Georgia Department of Health, where she collaborated with various partners across the state to include health equity goals and objectives in the State Cancer Plan. While living in the nation’s capital, Marquita was a Preventive Health Quality Improvement Specialist at the DC Primary Care Association, managing the cancer screening portfolio and supporting federally qualified health centers with one-to-one technical assistance on cancer screenings. She also facilitated a quarterly District-wide Patient Navigator for Cancer Peer Group to share best practices while discussing solutions for addressing systems-level challenges. 

Marquita received her Master’s degree in Public Health from George Washington University with a focus in Health Promotion and a Bachelor of Science degree in Biology from Spelman College.

Marquita can be reached at

About Us

Georgia CORE releases FY24 Impact Report

Get the latest from the center of Georgia's cancer fight from our FY24 Impact Report and also a message from the President.



GCRCCP honored by ACS National Colorectal Cancer Roundtable

The Georgia Colorectal Cancer Control Program won the 2025 American Cancer Society's NCCRT National Achievement Award.


Georgia CORE introduces a resource guide for barriers to cancer clinical trials

We invite you to download and share it, and let us know if there is anything we should add to it.
