Georgia's Online Cancer Information Center

Georgia's Online Cancer Information Center

Why Screening for Colorectal Cancer Is Starting Younger – and What to Expect

Recent studies have highlighted an increased incidence of colorectal cancer in individuals younger than age 50.


Screening & Genetics

GCRCCP honored by ACS National Colorectal Cancer Roundtable

The Georgia Colorectal Cancer Control Program won the 2025 American Cancer Society's NCCRT National Achievement Award.


Georgia CORE introduces a resource guide for barriers to cancer clinical trials

We invite you to download and share it, and let us know if there is anything we should add to it.


The Mystery of What’s Causing Young People’s Cancer Leads to the Gut

Researchers have uncovered links between cancer and diets high in processed meat and liquor, and few fruits and vegetables.


Surgeon General Calls for Cancer Warnings on Alcohol

Dr. Vivek Murthy's report cites studies linking alcoholic beverages to at least seven malignancies, including breast cancer. But to add warning labels, Congress would have to act.


Georgia CORE releases FY24 Impact Report

Get the latest from the center of Georgia's cancer fight from our FY24 Impact Report and also a message from the President.



Georgia CORE awards grants from BCLT fund to eight organizations

Georgia CORE has awarded $207,000 total to seven health centers throughout the state through the Breast Cancer License Tag program.


Local doctors see high colon cancer rates in young patients

Our partner Dr. Koosh Desai appeared on Augusta TV news and talked about the Georgia Colorectal Control Program. Thanks for the shout out, Koosh!


Cancer Survivors Honored During National Cancer Survivors Month

WNEG News sat down with Angie Caton, Assistant Nurse Manager with Northeast Georgia Medical Center Cancer Services to talk about the month-long recognition and the work of Georgia CORE and GC3 to support Georgia's survivors.


Georgia CORE awards Cancer Research Fund grant to two teams

Georgia CORE has awarded two teams a Collaborative Cancer Research Seed Grant from the Georgia Cancer Research Fund.


New ACS Study Shows Cancer Mortality Rates Among Black People Declining, but Remain Higher Than Other Racial and Ethnic Groups

African American and Black people continue to have a disproportionately elevated cancer burden compared to other population groups.


An Era of Firsts in CML: Asciminib Challenges SOC TKIs

Georgia CORE partner and former board member Jorge E. Cortes, MD, details how asciminib is improving upon first- and second-generation SOC TKIs in chronic myeloid leukemia.


FDA approves self-collection screening for virus that causes cervical cancer

FDA has moved to expand screening for potentially lethal cervical cancer by allowing women to collect test samples themselves.


Some people in Georgia earn too much to get Medicaid but not enough to buy private insurance plan

Cancer cases like the ones in this article are heartbreaking, but can be prevented by having programs in place to provide access to treatment.


NCI Community Oncology Research Program
Georgia Cancer Control Consortium