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Radiation Therapy with or without Olaparib in Treating Patients with Inflammatory Breast Cancer

Active: No
Cancer Type: Breast Cancer
Unknown Primary
NCT ID: NCT03598257
Trial Phases: Phase II Protocol IDs: S1706 (primary)
Eligibility: 18 Years and older, Male and Female Study Type: Treatment
Study Sponsor: SWOG
NCI Full Details:


This phase II trial studies how well radiation therapy with or without olaparib works in treating patients with inflammatory breast cancer. Radiation therapy uses high energy x-rays to kill tumor cells and shrink tumors. Olaparib is an inhibitor of PARP, an enzyme that helps repair deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) when it becomes damaged. Blocking PARP may help keep cancer cells from repairing their damaged DNA, causing them to die. PARP inhibitors are a type of targeted therapy. It is not yet known whether radiation therapy with or without olaparib may work better in treating patients with inflammatory breast cancer.


I. To compare the invasive disease-free survival (IDFS) of patients with inflammatory breast cancer receiving concurrent administration of olaparib with standard doses of radiotherapy to the chest wall and regional lymph nodes compared to standard doses of radiotherapy alone to the chest wall and regional lymph nodes.

I. To compare the effect of concurrent administration of olaparib with radiotherapy versus radiotherapy alone on improvement in locoregional control (measured by locoregional recurrence-free interval), distant relapse-free survival, and overall survival in inflammatory breast cancer patients.

I. To collect tissue and whole blood for processing and banking in anticipation of future correlative studies in this patient population.

OUTLINE: Patients are randomized to 1 of 2 groups.

GROUP I: Patients receive olaparib orally (PO) twice daily (BID) the day before standard radiation therapy (RT) commences (Day 0) and throughout the RT course until the last day of RT administration. Olaparib is also continued on weekends (routine days without RT) throughout the RT course. Patients undergo radiation therapy 5 days per week for 6 weeks in the absence of disease progression or unacceptable toxicity.

GROUP II: Patients undergo standard radiation therapy 5 days per week for 6 weeks in the absence of disease progression or unacceptable toxicity.

Patients undergo blood sample collection throughout the study.

After completion of study treatment, patients are followed up within 5 weeks, then every 3 months until 3 years after registration, and then every 6 months for up to 8 years after registration.
**Clinical trials are research studies that involve people. These studies test new ways to prevent, detect, diagnose, or treat diseases. People who take part in cancer clinical trials have an opportunity to contribute to scientists’ knowledge about cancer and to help in the development of improved cancer treatments. They also receive state-of-the-art care from cancer experts... Click here to learn more about clinical trials.