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Piedmont Columbus Regional

The John B. Amos Cancer Center is a multi-disciplinary cancer center accredited by the Commission on Cancer of the American College of Surgeons as a Community Hospital Comprehensive Cancer Program – the only treatment center to be so named in the 14-county service area of Columbus, Georgia. The center is also accredited by the American College of Radiology (ACR). The John B. Amos Cancer Center is a recipient of the Georgia Cancer Coalition Distinguished Cancer Scholars Award, which supports leaders who are engaged in the most promising areas of cancer research. John B. Amos is a member of the Atlanta Regional Community Clinical Oncology Program (ARCCOP), a program initiated by the National Cancer Institute (NCI) to provide community hospitals access to a wide range of clinical research studies. The center is also a member of the Georgia CORE Research Network, a statewide network of academic and community-based oncologists and researchers and a member of the Georgia CORE Gynecologic Oncology Group Consortium. The center consists of eleven physicians with three clinics: medical oncology, gynecologic oncology and radiation oncology. The John B. Amos Cancer Center offers a medical team of experienced board-certified oncologists (MDs), advanced registered nurse practitioners, clinical researchers, case manager associates, clinical counselors, pharmacists, radiation physicists and therapists, oncology- and chemotherapy-certified nurses and registered dietitians.

Treatment Sites in Georgia

Clinical Trials in Georgia

Connect® Myeloid Disease Registry
Cancer Type: Cancer-Related Syndrome, Leukemia, Myelodysplastic Syndromes (MDS)
Study Coordinator: Jay Pitts, BS, CPhT - 706-596-5426

Genetic Testing in Screening Patients with Stage IB-IIIA Non-small Cell Lung Cancer That Has Been or Will Be Removed by Surgery (The ALCHEMIST Screening Trial)
Cancer Type: Lung Cancer, Unknown Primary
**GeorgiaCancerInfo is not a medical practice. This is an informational web site provided by Georgia CORE, a nonprofit striving to provide current and comprehensive information on cancer care in Georgia through this website. If you find erroneous or missing information, please contact us.