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Bruce H. Broecker MD, FACS, FAAP

Georgia Urology - Lawrenceville

Education and Training

Specialty and Certification

Urology / Board Eligible

Active Clinical Trial Sites in Georgia

Georgia Urology - Decatur

2685 Milscott Drive
Decatur, GA 30033
404-292-3727 (p)
404-294-9674 (f)

driving directions

Clinical Trials

Georgia Urology - Lawrenceville

500 Medical Center Blvd.
Suite 345
Lawrenceville, GA 30045
770-963-2451 (p)
770-962-0017 (f)

driving directions

Clinical Trials

Active Clinical Trial Site Locations:

**GeorgiaCancerInfo is not a medical practice. This is an informational web site provided by Georgia CORE, a nonprofit striving to provide current and comprehensive information on cancer care in Georgia through this website. If you find erroneous or missing information, please contact us.